Friday, August 27, 2010



  • Suji-------------1 cup
  • Sugar-----------1 1\2 cup
  • Milk------------1 1\2 cup
  • Water----------1 1\2 cup
  • Ghee-----------1\2 cup
  • Ilachi Powder---3 pinches
  • Food Colour
  • Kaju & Badam For Garnishing

Time taken for preparation:10-15 minutes


  • Fry suji in 1 table spoon ghee for 5 min. and keep aside.
  • Boil milk and water in a pan and add suji.
  • When the suji gets cooked add sugar, ilachi powder and cook until the sugar dissolves.
  • Finally add ghee and garnish with kaju and badam and serve.
Thank you for visiting................:)


  • Pulav Rice------------500 mg
  • Onion ------------75g
  • Green Chillies---------4
  • Ginger-Garlic Paste---2 table spoons
  • Garam Masala--------5g
  • Curd------------------3 cups
  • Tomato---------------100g
  • Ghee------------------50g
  • Mint leaves(pudina)---1 bundle
  • Hari Boot--------------200g
  • Coriander-------------100g
  • Turmeric-------------1/2 Tea spoon
  • Salt-------------------required amount

  1. Wash rice and soak it in water.
  2. Peel the Hari Boot() and keep the seeds ready.
  3. Heat the ghee in a pan and add chopped onions to it and fry until the color changes to "golden brown" and add Ginger-Garlic paste,turmeric,green chillies,garam masala,Hari Boot,tomatoes,curd(yogurt)mint leaves and coriander.....
  4. Cook for five minutes and put this curry aside.
  5. Now,take another vessel and boil water in it.
  6. Add soaked rice and little sat to the boiling water.
  7. Sieve/Separate the water and the rice when the water is semi cooked(when only 1/4th of the water remains in the vessel) and add Hari Boot curry and cook the rice on low flame for 10 minutes.
  8. Finally garnish with mint leaves.
  9. Now the delicious "Hari Boot" curry is ready to serve!!!!!
Thank you for visiting......................

CHINTA CHIGURU MUTTON (mutton curry with tender tamarind leaves)

  • Mutton------------500g
  • Onions------------100g
  • Green Chillies-----4g
  • Cloves------------4g
  • Cinnamon--------2 pieces
  • Garam Masala---10g
  • Oil---------------2 table spoons
  • Salt--------------2 tea spoons
  • Tender tamarind leaves

  1. Heat,oil in a cooking pan and add cloves and cinnamon to it.
  2. Now add onion to the oil and fry until the color changes to golden brown.....
  3. Add Ginger-Garlic paste to the mixture along with salt and green chillies.
  4. Add mutton pieces after two minutes.
  5. After five minutes add tender tamarind leaves(chinta chiguru) and some water to the mixture and cook until the mutton pieces get properly cooked and become tender.
  6. Finally,garnish with coriander .......and the mouth watering dish is ready to serve!!
Thank you for visiting........................:)


  • Sugar-------------2 and half cups
  • Coconut-----------1 cup
  • besan(senaga pindi)-----1 cup
  • Milk--------------1 cup
  • Dalda-------------1 cup
  • Ghee-------------1/4 cup
  • Silver foil---------small roll

  1. Mix all the ingredients in milk thoroughly and heat on a low flame....
  2. Stir the mixture continuously until it gets thick.......
  3. Now apply ghee to a plate and transfer the mixture to the plate....
  4. Finally,cut the mixture in desired shapes and garnish with silver foil...
  5. Transfer it to the serving bowl and the dish is ready to serve....
Thanks for visiting................:)


  • Potato---------------750g
  • Oil-------------------250g
  • Basen----------------125g
  • Onions---------------125g
  • Lemons--------------2 no.s
  • Coriander & Mint leaves
  • Green chillies
  • Salt & Haldi
  • Garam Masala

  1. Boil potatoes and mash them properly...
  2. Take a bowl and put a little ghee in it and fry the onions...
  3. Now add potato mash and garam masala to the bowl and fry for few minutes...
  4. Remove the bowl from fire and add lime juice to it...
  5. Now,put this mixture aside for some time...
  6. Now, mix some Basen with water and beat it well...
  7. Then add chillies,haldi and salt...
  8. Finally,make round balls out of the potato mixture and dip them in the basen and fry them well......
  9. Now, garnish these balls/bondas with coriander and mint leaves and serve them hot!!!

Thank you for visiting.....................:)


  • Apple----------------1/2 kg
  • Milk-----------------800 ml
  • Sugar----------------100 gm
  • Saffron --------------1/2 gm(only to add to colour)
  • Elachi----------------5 no.s
  • Rose water-----------5 drops
  • Cherry---------------10 no.s
  • Silver foil-------------2 no.s

  1. First ,take few apples and peel their skin and boil until it becomes tender....
  2. Now,heat milk until it gets a little thicker and add saffron, ilachi and rose water....
  3. Now,pour the milk on the boiled apple pieces.........
  4. Let the mixture cool to the room temperature and put it in refrigerator for 30minutes.....
  5. Finally ,garnish them with cherries and silver foil and serve them!!!

Thank you for visiting......................:)


  • Water---------------------1.3 liters
  • Sugar---------------------1.7 kg
  • Lemon yellow color-------1/4 tea spoon
  • Apple green color---------a pinch
  • Citric Acid----------------25-30 gms
  • Sweet orange essence-----20 ml
  • Mousambi juice-----------1 liter
  • Pottasium Meta Bisulphate----3.2 gms (K.M.S)

  1. Extract mousambi juice and filter through muslin cloth.....
  2. After this is done measure it and put aside.....
  3. Now, take water, sugar,citric acid in a separate container and heat it so that the sugar dissolves..
  4. Now, filter the syrup and cool it to room temperature and mix the syrup to the juice....
  5. Add colors, essence,K.M.S(Pottassium Meta Bisulphate) and mix well....
  6. Finally, fill the squash in air tight bottles and store....
  7. Mix the squash with water and add few ice cubes......
  8. Now, the cool refreshing drink is ready to serve!!!!

Thank you for visiting.....................:)

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